Ep. 89: Fateful Findings Review with Jamie

Phil Allen is introduced to one of the most bizarre films in recent history "Fateful Findings" by returning guest Jamie. There are highlights from the film itself with the guys reactions to the chaos on screen. They discuss shortcomings of the star Neil Breen and Phil shares his final collected thoughts about "Fateful Findings".

Ep. 88: Shades of Death Road

Phil and Jessica Allen venture to the fabled “Shades of Death” road in New Jersey. Is it really as scary as they say? They also take a “treacherous” hike through Jenny Jump State Park to Ghost Lake and Fairy Cave. This episode is dedicated to the Lenni Lenape.

Ep. 84: THE THING (2011 & 1982) Movie Review

Phil Allen is joined by returning guest Matt to discuss John Carpenter’s 1982 “THE THING”, as well as the “THE THING” prequel from 2011. Derek Badichek and Terrelle Brown chime in with audio segments for a podcast chalk full of everything “THE THING”.

Ep. 77: "The Disaster Artist" Rapid Reaction with Marc

Phil Allen welcomes back returning guest Marc to discuss "The Disaster Artist" film. Based on Greg Sestero's non-fiction book, the movies shows behind the scenes events and we learn more about the alien humanoid known as Tommy Wiseau. 

Ep. 76: WWE Themes

Phil Allen likes the WWE. He likes the music in the WWE. Today, we explore the entrance themes and how critical they are to the wrestlers gimmick. Phil's bias opinion is in full swing with his selections and we are treated to segments from wrestling marks Derek Badichek, Rich "The Straight Shooter, and Pat Cullen.

Ep. 75: Child's Play Franchise Review with Terrelle Brown

A true classic podcast never goes out of style... So says the killer doll “Chucky” from the Child’s Play series. Terrelle Brown is brought in with Phil Allen to discuss the Child’s Play franchise for all of its success and failures. Is the series a classic? Tune in and find out!

Ep. 72: Friday the 13th Retrospective with Terrelle Brown

Phil Allen brings in the big guns with guest Terrelle Brown to discuss the movie franchise "Friday the 13th." All twelve movies are explored including our favorite moments and the parts that make us shake our heads. We rank them best to worst and mention our favorite kills. Listen if you dare!